He (means my Husband, he doesn't want me to use his name in public, as he thinks whoever reads his name will immediately become a nagging fan of him cos of his charming name) believes in evil spirits. When I asked him why do you believe in it so much, he said "Its cos I've seen one myself". I got quite interested in it and then asked him when did that happen. And this is what he said.
"During my high school I used to go to a tuition class, and a girl from that tuition class committed suicide. After few days we had to write a test and while submitting the test paper, I saw a test paper with her name on it. First I thought, someone is playing pranks, but later when I discussed with other tuition mates, we gotta know that no one did that, and didn't know how that paper ended up there. We were all scared, and another day we saw her slippers outside the tuition and we did not get into the class, just ran back home. The tuition teacher called a priest, and he said the evil spirit of that girl is over here, and did lots of prayers etc. to get rid of it."
Then I asked, "So they were able to get rid of her spirit, is it?" He said "Don't interrupt my story, it's not over yet, when we went to that tuition after few days to give another test, we saw her with long hair writing a test there. We all ran back home, and the tuition teacher also shifted to another house."
He narrated this story to me at 2'o clock in the night, it was kinda spooky and weird. I was thinking about the gal in the movie "The Ring". I was also wondering, of all the things why will a ghost want to write exams????? That's the one thing anyone will never want to do, even if they are alive. And I always thought, spirits do not have legs, and why does she want a shoe? Btw, how does he know if that was her shoe and not someone else's? Looks like he knew everything about the tuition gals, including wat shoes they wear. I should ask him how much did he score for that subject in public exam :-P
Speaking about spirits, my father's elder brother and his wife were very close to us. When we were kids we used to go to there house in Neerodi for all our summer, half yearly, quarterly vacations. (Even now I feel very happy to say those words half yearly vacation, quarterly vacation etc.) It used to be a lot of fun. During summer vacation, they used to play movies every alternate days in open theater in that village. It might sound posh, but it is just a temporary theater near the beach, with four walls made out of woven coconut leaves, and with no chairs, we have to sit on the beach sand :-) I still wish I can go back to those days. Ok, looks like I am diverting from the topic. Both of my aunt and uncle passed away few years back, it was a great loss for us. I see both of them in my dreams very often. It is always me vs anyone of them at their house in Neerodi. Even last night I had a dream about my aunt, she spoke a lot to me. I don't know if she was trying to tell me something, I wish I could understand that. I am not a believer of evil spirits but I strongly believe that the spirits of my beloved ones exist and they are the angels who protect and guide me.
Btw, for those who believed in my husband's story, it is just one of the few stories made up by him. He never saw any spirits. I am sure he wouldn't be here today if he had seen one :-P
Talking about spirits, this is one of my favorite songs related to it
Spirits... I personally haven't seen any, other than the sinister one that lives in pushpak. Okay, jokes aside... I think spirits do exist but only a certain category of people can feel their presence, something to do with aura. If your aura allows them to enter then you can feel them, if your aura is not easily penetrated then you'll probably never see one. Something I read somewhere long back...
:) Tina told Sajeeve about wats happening in Jaison's home in Mumbai, that's when we started this topic...
I spooked Sajeeve that day. I was pretty spooked myself.
Sajeeve should make his story more believable, but it was fun to read.
I get dreams about my grandfather... he doesn't say much. But I guess that's normal... he hardly spoke when he was living with us. :)
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